Course Overview

    1. Empire Ops: Tactics (Lazarus)

    2. Notices

    3. Course Material

    4. Immersive Labs

    1. Threat Emulation Basics

    2. The Intersection of Financial Motivation and Espionage

    3. Overview of Lazarus and Their TTPs

    1. Intro to Ransomware and Crypto Miners

    2. Resource Hijacking During an Op

    3. Complexities of Ransomware Simulation

    1. Why Do Old Exploits Continue to Work?

    2. Integrating Exploits into Empire

    3. Prepping the Network

    4. Deploying your Effects

Key Takeaways

  • Define the Primary TTPs of Lazarus
  • Understand the Complexities of Ransomware Simulation
  • Build Exploit Integration with Empire